Check out some of the most common questions
we hear about our services.

Why should I use Powhatan Real Estate Settlements?

We’re proud to offer personal service with every transaction. You’ll have a contact at our office who will help you from the moment to you start the process until your final closing.

What are your fees?

While every transaction is slightly different, we think you’ll find our fees won’t break the bank. Call us and we can give you an estimate.

What are your hours?

Powhatan Real Estate Settlements is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We do offer some after hours options. Feel free to ask us if we can accommodate you.

Do I need to drive to Powhatan to use your services?

No. We can do a mobile closing and meet at the place of your choice.

Do I need a real estate attorney to do my closing?

With Powhatan Real Estate Settlements most clients won’t need an attorney.